Our Beliefs
Get to know us as a church
Our Beliefs
Get to know us as a church
We believe in Jesus.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ-son of the living God. He died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day.
As Disciples, we are called together around two essentials of faith: a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and that Christians are free to follow their conscience guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study, prayer and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
We believe in worship.
We believe the community of God’s people gathering together for worship is vital to our individual spiritual well being as well as that of the church as a whole. Our services combine both contemporary and traditional forms of worship with a complete praise band leading us in contemporary hymns and music.
Central to our worship experience is the Lord’s Supper. We receive the Lord’s supper each week and all believers in Jesus Christ are invited to participate in this beautiful service.
We believe in family.
Children and families were important to Christ. We believe God wants them to be important to us as well. Children are invited to Children’s Church (K-4) during the sermon if parents so choose. Age-based activities and lessons are presented in a loving environment where children can learn about God and worship in a way they can understand.
*Nursery Available—Infants—Pre-School.
We have an active and vital student ministry. The needs of parents are greater than they have ever been in today’s society. Families are emphasized on Wednesday nights where there is a meal at 5:45pm after which there is adult bible study and youth activities.
We believe, that in the sight of God, there are NO second-class citizens, and we are committed to providing an atmosphere of acceptance, healing, and service to those who have gone through life’s struggles.
We believe in missions and outreach.
First Christian has a long history of community and mission support. Every summer our youth go on a mission trip. Periodically, our adults go on a mission trip, as well. In the last few years, our congregation has also traveled to ministries we support in Ecuador and Kenya!
Our church generously sponsors global, national, and state missions through 10% of offerings. Locally, First Christian supports several different relief organizations with regular monetary and labor assistance.
We believe in community.
First Christian works hand in hand with other area churches to promote annual Christian events such as the Prayer Luncheons the week before Easter. We believe we have a responsibility under God to be good stewards of the world’s resources on both a local and global level. Our Ministerial staff engages in the community working with our area schools and organizations, as do our membership.
We believe in service.
It is our firm conviction that God calls all believers to serve Him. We believe God has equipped you with the very talents and gifts He desires you to have and use for Him. We’re committed to helping you discover those gifts and to find ways for you to put them to use. There is no greater joy than serving others.
We believe in the service of all believers. Our teenager members are invited to serve as Junior Deacons. We celebrate as well the gifts of the women in our congregation as deacons and elders.
We believe in Jesus.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ-son of the living God. He died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day.
As Disciples, we are called together around two essentials of faith: a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and that Christians are free to follow their conscience guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study, prayer and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
We believe in worship.
We believe the community of God’s people gathering together for worship is vital to our individual spiritual well-being as well as that of the church as a whole. Our services combine both contemporary and traditional forms of worship with a complete praise band leading us in contemporary hymns and music.
Central to our worship experience is the Lord’s Supper. We receive the Lord’s supper each week and all believers in Jesus Christ are invited to participate in this beautiful service.
We believe in family.
Children and families were important to Christ. We believe God wants them to be important to us as well. Children are invited to Children’s Church (K-4) during the sermon if parents so choose. Age-based activities and lessons are presented in a loving environment where children can learn about God and worship in a way they can understand.
*Nursery Available—Infants—Pre-School.
We have an active and vital student ministry. The needs of parents are greater than they have ever been in today’s society. Families are emphasized on Wednesday nights where there is a meal at 5:45pm after which there is adult bible study and youth activities.
We believe, that in the sight of God, there are NO second-class citizens, and we are committed to providing an atmosphere of acceptance, healing, and service to those who have gone through life’s struggles.
We believe in
missions and outreach.
First Christian has a long history of community and mission support. Every summer our youth go on a mission trip. Periodically, our adults go on a mission trip, as well. In the last few years, our congregation has also traveled to ministries we support in Ecuador and Kenya!
Our church generously sponsors global, national, and state missions through 10% of offerings. Locally, First Christian supports several different relief organizations with regular monetary and labor assistance.
We believe in community.
First Christian works hand in hand with other area churches to promote annual Christian events such as the Prayer Luncheons the week before Easter. We believe we have a responsibility under God to be good stewards of the world’s resources on both a local and global level. Our Ministerial staff engages in the community working with our area schools and organizations, as do our membership.
We believe in service.
We firmly believe that God calls all believers to serve Him. We believe God has equipped you with the very talents and gifts He desires you to have and use for Him. We’re committed to helping you discover those gifts and find ways for you to put them to use. There is no greater joy than serving others.
We believe in the service of all believers. Our teenage members are invited to serve as Junior Deacons. We also celebrate the gifts of the women in our congregation as deacons and elders.